
Thursday, 19 January 2012


To my eternal shame, the pasta maker I bought when working at Heals over 15 years ago has never been used. Every now & again I think, I must use it. More often I'm thinking wouldn't it be a good idea to gather together a group of likeminded people preferably with one person who has used a pasta machine & spend a jolly afternoon learning to make pasta together?  I call it skillet or rather skill-it. Maybe that sounds too much like a government youth work programme but I hope the idea is clear!

 I had lunch with Florian Siepert  on Monday & mentioned my idea. He showed me the website of a group in Germany called The Producers who got together & in one day made ketchup, rillets, jam, roasted coffee beans & even had their own labels. No fees involved & shared costs so you leave with a few jars & bottles instead of hundreds. We want to bring this idea to London.
Interested? We'd love to hear from you. We need people with talents & culinary skills to share, people who don't mind sharing their kitchen space. From baking to pickling, jam making to pasta, from Polish pierogi to Danish pastries, share your cultural and culinary knowledge.
We share costs & kitchens, ideas & enthusiasm. Any takers? I can't be the only person in London with a pasta machine gathering dust!


  1. Love the idea. I've got the enthusiasm, just wish I had the kitchen which would accommodate more than two people. Good luck with this.

    1. You never know Evie, we may find people with large enough spaces; I'm not thinking mega cooking classes, more like 3-6 people at a time. Keep an eye out! Do you have any particular skills to offer, or what would you like to learn?

  2. Hey, as one of the German The Producers I say: One day we have to unite and share our best recipes ;-)

  3. Great to hear our idea is spreading! Best of luck for finding people to join you in London. Let's meet up next time we're there!

    Wolfgang and Nick (part of The Producers)

    1. thanks Wolfgang and Nick, sorry for such a late reply; you're quite an inspiration and would be great to meet up when you're here!

    2. This time we're sorry for replying so late... Hopefully, we'll be in London in mid May, so if it fits into your schedule, we could meet up then! In the meantime, we're working frantically on – a small platform for people to show what they make and to inspire others. Maybe have a look at it and tell us what you think?

  4. Hi Cheryl - totally up for this, but lacking decent sized kitchen... :os If you have space for me let me know
